Sunday, August 17, 2008

Working Mother Guilt

No matter how much we pretend it is not there it is the guilt of working when your children need you - even if they have a perfectly good father supporting them the feeling I get as a mother when my children are struggling and I can not be there is unexplainable.

I know about all the positives about mothers working and all the negatives and I have chosen to work if in to days society it is really a choice - I have worked the entire time I have been a mother and you would think after eleven years the guilt would get less but no it is as strong as the first day I left the breast fed infant for someone other than his father to care for him.

But I made my choice so work I do and I hope by working I am not damaging my children to much and one day they will understand why mummy was not there for every grazed knee and how much sleep I go with out to lessen the time we are apart.

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