Saturday, January 15, 2011


Next week I start as a CNM - all the paperwork is done all the red tape cut through I am actually going to be a Midwife - again. I am still amazed how things just fell in to place .. right from the beginning really I got in to school did the classes ... went in to clinical caught the babies needed.. finished school ... sat boards ...Passed offered a Job. I have a few friends in or waiting to be in school my advice to them is stick with it do it as the experience is life changing.
I was talking to a friend we were discussing school and the merits of it when she said well its ok for someone like you me what do you mean she went on the say that I like being in school so that made things easier. I laughed and we moved on. Later when I was a lone I revised her comment that I liked school I never thought of it. I certainly never liked school as a child and young adult but some how over the years had I become a school lover? What had changed why now did I like school for me it is the development of the online classes and schools it suits me so well able to study when I want to and still have a life all you school haters try on line it is a great experience.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Ready Steady Go

I am at the start line of my new career in the USA I still feel like it is surreal ...and still can not believe that I am here.

I read over my blog today and it did make me smile all my emotions here in text. As for this blog I want to continue although no one really follows or comments its really nice to be able to look back.

I made a decision some time ago not to discuss births or individual patients in my blog I want it to be more about midwifery as a profession woman and families in general and my experiences trying to deliver midwifery as a model of care to the American population.

So next week I should get to start my new job I will be the second midwife in a large OB practice of all woman they have really embraced the other midwife and the midwifery model and want expand the midwifery service I am very excited indeed. More about my new job to come.

Ready, Steady Go.......and I am off