Saturday, May 16, 2009

Why Midwifery

Truthfully returning to midwifery school to retrain as a midwife has had its struggles it so difficult having other people other midwives mark your work - some to be fair hold the up most respect for me as a sister midwife All be it trained and practised in another countries others hold some form of arrogance and are patronizing that I am now getting the correct training . I am retaking the whole course for the love of my profession. I do not believe that I know everything or I have not got anything to learn as that could not be further from the truth- but all I ask is that people listen to me and accept that there may be a different way of looking at things!

I gone over and over in my mind why midwifery why am I putting myself and my family through this- Why am I not happy with being a nurse - you know I cannot answer that - I know I believe in birth life and families I love being around people at these times. I not really religious for me religion is life when a baby comes into this world that is the meaning of it all the impact that life has on others.

Although I am in love with a man I truly love women I really do and I think seeing them in birth the strength the determination the fear the wounder all at once it what draws me to it. I hate the way pregnancy and birth have been down graded in our society - where pregnant women are made to feel week if they should admit they are tired when pregnant. When it appears no longer special to be pregnant. Birth and its wonderment has now been put on a time clock induced at 38 weeks, numbed with epidurals and hurried with potcin. It seems no longer to about the miracle of life. This is why I need be a midwife to help people remember what life is about if people no longer respect pregnancy and birth how can they respect life.
I need to keep my eye on the prize and push my way through.


safebirthadvocate said...

I am so glad that you are so committed to women and their babies to retrain here in the USA! It is sad that our country does not recognize the credentialing of midwives from other countries...I am a Frontier graduate and have read some of your posts. I have been very interested in what has been going on in your home country concerning issues surrounding birth. I pray that the USA look across the ocean to see the good things that are happening in England! I currently have a client who was a midwife in her mother country- Germany. She would love to work here as a midwife again, but is reluctant to start all over...Best wishes to you and keep chugging along! You can do it!

Lost said...

To retrain is difficult but truthfully in americas complex system it is the only way. I will help any international midwives find there way back to midwifery if they wish.