Monday, May 5, 2008

The Start

Well here we go a new blogger at the age of forty- and to think they did not even offer computer lessons when I was in school all those years ago. My sons will be proud of their old mother. So at the grand old age of 39- we meaning husband, three boys and I up sticks and move 5000 miles away......... and for the most part it is going well very -the only thorn in my side is that I can not work as a midwife......... So after working for 10yrs as a midwife I am now suck in OB as a L&D nurse ! I have died and gone to HELL. I am working on getting accepted to a school - so that I can study midwifery all over again and get certified in USA -but to me is madness-I could fly in to London tomorrow - 10 hour flight and pick up a midwifery job the next day- here only 10yrs away in a country that we are brothers in arms with I am having difficulty even getting on a Midwifery course.............Oh well moan over on wards and upwards - were there is a will and all that.

See you soon

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