Tuesday, September 23, 2008

List of abbreviations

Here is a list of midwifery and obstetric abbreviations

AB abortion
AFP Alpha Fetoprotein
AMA advanced maternal age
AFI amniotic fluid index
AROM artificial rupture of membranes
BPP biophysical profile
CPD cephalopelvic disproportion
CVS chorionic villi sampling
D & C dilatation & curettage
EFM electronic fetal monitoring
FHR fetal heart rate
FSE fetal scalp electrode
GBS group B beta streptococcus
IUFD intrauterine fetal death
IUGR intrauterine growth retardation
IVF in vitro fertilization
LMP last menstrual period
PPH postpartum hemorrhage
TOL trial of Labor
VBAC vaginal birth after C-section


Well I have been taken over by the craze which is engulfing the world Facebook- I do not know whether it is because I am now forty and facing my own mortality that I am suddenly obsessed with the past and the people in it. I did read some where once that this is a common fascination of the middle aged.

So I have made contacts with old school friends ex work colleagues and my first love - it has been so much fun chatting up with these people the most interesting part is with what ease it is to talk to them virtually of course- and I come to realise that its because of some sort of common foundation you have with them - they know your family - your school life - its this I feel leads to this ease.

Back to my first love - I think its the innocence the freshness of your first love that makes such a mark in your life. You have no idea what path life will take you down what turns you will take - Life is simple when you are young - your in love the world is exciting. For me this innocence and trust in the world came to a sudden end - over night with a personal tragedy which would change my life for ever and take me a good twenty years to come to terms with tragedy. With this tragedy came a change in me an unbalancing which brought about the end of that first relationship. I would often wounder throughout the tough times in my life if I should have hung on tighter or fought a little harder for that first relationship - but now I know with age and a successful marriage that I had a long hard path of discovery and personal sadness to undertake that this relationship or any other for that matter would not have with stood.

Contact now is good it is fun to relive the past and chat about the choices each has made- and I feel this is a safe friendship both stable with real deep love and regard for our spouses - young families - so a lot of water has gone under the bridge and time has flooded past but I look forward to a future friendship with a person who helped shape who I am.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Well work has been hectic one thing is for sure is that there are plenty of women birthing babies in these parts - so I should be good for a job when I finally reach my goal. Met up with a group of local CNM the other night - they were a great bunch really committed its just strange that there are so few Midwives I worked out that there were as many midwifes in the whole of AZ as there were in the hospital I worked in the UK- just amazing!

My boys are doing well the eldest is struggling with conforming to school rules feels he knows better- he will learn the hard way- I want to tell him just jump through the hoops but he will not listen to me his mother I know nothing of his life! So I watch him work through his struggles sat there on the sidelines with the safety net watching ready to throw the net- I remember back when he was a baby and toddler my first -thinking how hard it was now I look back at those days they were a piece of cake compared to this. But when I look at that boy never mind how mad he makes me my heart jumps with the love for him.

I contiue to follow Dr Amy - wow she is screwed up I have know idea what is going on in her head but it not right- she is so blinkered it is unbeliveable - so I will read on.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Everything seems to be going to plan - work is bearable just well the girls I work with make it so they are a great bunch of people and I love working with them. Night however is taking its toll - I am tired all the time I stay up to late then want to sleep the whole day !

Youngest birthday tomorrow and he is so excited it is lovely to see- Thomas the tank engine all over again three boys! Looking forward to starting school and getting things under way it will be a long two years with a vast amount of work to be covered- but it will all be worth it in the end and I will then have the job of trying t0 find employment as a midwife but will cross that bridge when I come to it.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Dr Amy

Well - I have been following Dr Amy - Home birth debate blog- to call it a debate is a bit strong as during a debate you should have a two sided argument. There is no doubt that Dr Amy is an incredibly intelligent person - I not sure if she a women or a man but that dose not matter with very strong opinion on home birth natural childbirth and breastfeeding. Which in its self is fine freedom of speech and all that its just that Dr Amy claim is healthy baby above all and argues against home birth as she believes home birth is not safe with increased risks of neonatal death. This is were the water gets muddy for me - as if Dr Amy was really all about the out come then she would be fighting for humane birth in the hospital setting with women being at the center of care - not Dr convenience and against early induction with no medical reason as both of these out comes contribute to neonatal outcomes. - well I will continue to read.

I continue to work in L&D and every day I am stunned at the behaviour of some of our providers- the last shift I worked a couple turn up in triage in active labour 5cms excited they had been counselled during there antenatal period extensively and had chosen a TOL previous EM LSCS due to breech not found until 7cms. - You guessed it the provided was pissed and did everything in his power to talk them out of a trial he used every scary word in his vocabulary. The couple were venerable and frightened she was in pain and now they were confused - I heard the husband say repeatedly that we have discussed this and you told us the risks have these risks changed. The Dr was frantic he would not let any of the nurses speak with the couple basically he did not want to spent the night in the hospital- all be it a sleep in the Dr lounge. Anyway the couple came to a decision they were sticking with there original plan oh how pissed was the DR- they ended up having a beautiful birth 7 hours after admission no drama no trauma to either the mother or child everyone in the room was crying - the Dr came placed the baby on mothers chest removed the placenta and left he was in the room for no more than five Min's.

Do not get me wrong if a provider does not want to offer a TOL or VBAC then that is their prerogative what I do object to is saying yes in the antenatal period with every intention of trying to change their minds when they are actually in labour I feel this in an issue of dishonesty and very little if no integrity on the providers part.